Introductie campaign allyourz:
The tourist office of Zeeland stops all activities. Arjan Kodde saw the opportunity to keep 'Zeelanders' (the people of Zeeland) profit from tourist bookings like hotels, restaurants and activities and started A new platform full of inspiration where you can book anything you need for a great stay in Zeeland.
Copy: Martijn de Vreeze. Strategy: Anne de Man.
The tourist office of Zeeland stops all activities. Arjan Kodde saw the opportunity to keep 'Zeelanders' (the people of Zeeland) profit from tourist bookings like hotels, restaurants and activities and started A new platform full of inspiration where you can book anything you need for a great stay in Zeeland.
Copy: Martijn de Vreeze. Strategy: Anne de Man.
Design: created a graphical element (see through speach bubble with text popping out) derived from the style of the platform
Ads, billboards, banners, leaflets, merchandise, etc.
Ads, billboards, banners, leaflets, merchandise, etc.

Qr-code on the posters: